Why is Kangin Leaving Super Junior? Scandal-Hit K-Pop Star Quits Group (2025)

Fans of K-pop star Kangin have been left distraught after the singer announced he was leaving Super Junior after 14 years.

Kangin, 34, real name Kim Young-woon, announced the news on his Instagram on Thursday.

"I decided to leave behind the title, Super Junior, with which I spent a long time," he said.

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안녕하세요. 강인입니다. ì•ë§ 오랜만에 여러분들께 소식을 ì„하네요. 좋지 않은 소식이라 마음이 무겁지만 ê³ì‹¬ 끝에 글을 올립니다. ì€ëŠ” ì´ìœ ì˜¤ëžœ 시간 함께했던 '슈퍼주니어'란 이름을 ë†“ìœ¼ë¤ í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. 항상 멤버들에게는 미안한 마음뿐이었습니다 하루라도 빨리 결심하는 것이 ë§žë‹¤ê³ í•­ìƒ 생각해왔지만 못난 ì€ë¥¼ 변함 없이 응원해 주시는 분들과 회사 식구들이 마음에 ê±¸ë¤ ì‰½ì‚¬ë¦¬ 용기 내지 ëª»í–ˆê³ ê·¸ 어떤것도 ìœê°€ 혼자 ê²°ì•í•´ì„œëŠ” 안된다는 생각도 했습니다 하지만 ìœ ë¬¸ìœë¡œ 인해 겪지 않아도 ë ì¼ë“¤ì„ 겪는 멤버들을 지켜보면서 더 이상 늦춰서는 안되ê²ë‹¤ëŠ” 판단을 하게 되었습니다. 무엇보다 14년이란 오랜 시간 동안 언ìœë‚˜ 과분한 사랑을 ì£¼ì‹ E.L.F. 여러분들께 가장 죄송한 마음입니다. 많이 늦었지만 슈퍼주니어란 이름을 내ë¤ë†“ê³ 홀로 걷는 길에도 항상 미안함과 ê³ë§ˆì›€ì„ 가슴에 ìƒˆê¸°ê³ ë‚˜ì•„ê°€ê²ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 끝까지 ì€ë¥¼ ë°°ë¤í•´ 준 멤버들과 회사 식구분들께 ì•ë§ 감사하다는 말씀 ë“œë¦¬ê³ ì‹¶ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 언ìœë‚˜ 슈퍼주니어가 승승장구하기를 응원하ê²ìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. 감사합니다.

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"I have been all too sorry for other members ... but couldn't make up my mind quickly due to people who steadfastly support me," he said. "But I finally decided that this decision cannot be further delayed while watching the members suffering unnecessary issues because of my trouble," Kangin added.

Why is Kangin Leaving Super Junior? Scandal-Hit K-Pop Star Quits Group (1)

The South Korean singer has been embroiled in a number of scandals since joining Super Junior in 2005. In September 2009, he was involved in a fight between two men that took place outside a bar in the country's capital, Seoul.

One month later, he was arrested for driving under the influence and crashing his car into a parked taxi. He was indicted for drunk driving hit-and-run and fined ₩8 million ($6,810). SM Entertainment, the record label behind Super Junior, canceled his public activities until the end of the year. Kangin was later indicted for driving under the influence a second time in May 2016.

In November 2017 the singer was accused of drunkenly assaulting a woman at a bar. As the victim decided not to press charges against Kangin, he only received a warning from police and wasn't officially charged.

The graph below, provided by Statista, shows the top 10 best-selling K-pop artists.

Why is Kangin Leaving Super Junior? Scandal-Hit K-Pop Star Quits Group (2)

Fans expressed their sadness over Kangin's departure on social media. One person on Twitter said: "i never lost hope of seeing them complete but now it's far gone from reality, i must accept & respect our Kangin,he suffered alot & if he thinks it's the best i'll support him, i want him to move forward but it breaks my heart, really 14 years of love for you & forever"

i never lost hope of seeing them complete but now it’s far gone from reality, i must accept & respect our Kangin,he suffered alot & if he thinks it’s the best i’ll support him, i want him to move forward but it breaks my heart, really😭😭 14 years of love for you & forever 😭 pic.twitter.com/PEJguO1Ckd

— #TheRenaissance💙 (@daaalniiim) July 11, 2019

Another wrote: "sorry for not being able to protect you #kangin it's so hard for you, I know that. but for me you will always be a super junior member no matter what #staystrongELF this is not first time for us, it's okay to cry."

sorry for not being able to protect you #kangin it's so hard for you, I know that.
but for me you will always be a super junior member no matter what#staystrongELF this is not first time for us, it's okay to cry. pic.twitter.com/wulyp1Js9a

— sien (@sienteuk) July 11, 2019

"Best of luck for your future, @Himsenkangin. You'll be missed as one of our tears, happiness, memories." another added.

Well, i mean it is expected for Kangin to leave group since his contract expired and he just want to leave Super Junior and sm in good terms.

Best of luck for your future, @Himsenkangin. You'll be missed as one of our tears, happiness, memories. 💙

— ♡ 아니 ♡ (@eunhae_sjbabies) July 11, 2019

The news means only 10 members remain of Super Junior, Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun.

The group first came to prominence with 2009 single "Sorry, Sorry," and would go on to become the best-selling K-pop act for four years in a row. They have released eight albums in Korea, the last of which was 2017's Play.

Why is Kangin Leaving Super Junior? Scandal-Hit K-Pop Star Quits Group (2025)
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